Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Intelligence activities

I hope you will enjoy these activities and experiments.
Please summarize one story about the brain in 150 words.  I prefer you deal with mind, brain, intelligence or find an article dealing with autism and it's link to intelligence.  You will present your summary in class orally also.

  Complete the various intelligence tests located below.         Present a written summary of the following for each test:
1. Your score on the test.  Does this score have any meaning?
2. Your impression of the validity and reliability of the test. Is the score an accurate measurement of intelligence?  Use the psychological definition of validity and reliability found in your textbook.  Be specific.
After you have summarized each test, answer the following questions:
A.  What is intelligence?
B.  Which is more important:  emotional intelligence or intellectual intelligence?  Present reasons to support your answer.  Choose one side.
C.  Is intelligence learned or inherited?
D.  What did you learn about yourself after completing these tests?
Please note that these are informal tests - do not take them too seriously.  We are using these tests as a learning experience and to help guide you with discovering the meaning of intelligence.
  1. The Online IQ Test-note you must finish before you close the browser

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