Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Beautiful Mind and a Prisoner's Dilemma

So in class we have been studying Intelligence. 

John Nash:  A Brilliant Madness documentary

Four patients with schizophrenia

A Beautiful Mind movie scene about the game HEX

A Beautiful Mind and Prisoner's Dilemma blog

Go to the below link and under the "Exercise your Mind" tab do the four activities and record your results.  A Beautiful Mind webpage
Extra credit if you can crack the code on the website-so far I haven't had time to crack it either so it might be worth quite a bit of extra credit.

Article on Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia on 20/20

A Brilliant Madness-website on John Nash
-Game Theory/Prisoner Dilemma/Catch 22

Some activities we may use

Game Theory/Nash equilibrium/prisoner dilemma explained in video

Game Theory explained in Dark Night/pirate story

Game Theory when buying a car

everyday life
Game Show Theory in "Golden Balls

A prisoner's dilemma explained on youtube

Soccer shootout
Christian Laetner game winner
Russell Wilson interception in superbowl

Prisoner Dilemma activity
Prisoner theory-game simulation class activity

Serendip online interactive prisoner's dilemma

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