Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HEX: A Beautiful Mind Game

So we have recently watched "A Beautiful Mind."  In the movie John Nash is challenged to a board game called HEX.  In real life he will reinvent the game and people will refer to it sometimes as "Nash."  After somewhat studying the game I have decided as a class we will create our own "HEX" game boards and learn how to play this game.  Maybe we will even have a tournament.

Deleted scene from the movie

The following website shows how to create a board game.

Or even cooler would be to create an 11x11 game out of pvc pipe as shown in the you tube video below:  go to about minute 2:40

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rorschach Inkblot test

So we have been studying Intelligence and Intelligence testing recently in Psychology.  I thought it would be fun to end the unit with another test.  It is called the Rorschach Inkblot test.  We will take a look at the plates that are used with the test.  We will then self diagnose ourselves using the criteria on the corresponding blog.  After you self evaluate your answers you will write a reflection blog on test and what you learned about the history of the test.  Is it valid or invalid and how should the results be used.  I think 200 words is enough to do this in.  You can even compare it to Wikipedia.

Also the one time I will use Wikipedia-you can scroll down and see some common answers

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Beautiful Mind and a Prisoner's Dilemma

So in class we have been studying Intelligence. 

John Nash:  A Brilliant Madness documentary

Four patients with schizophrenia

A Beautiful Mind movie scene about the game HEX

A Beautiful Mind and Prisoner's Dilemma blog

Go to the below link and under the "Exercise your Mind" tab do the four activities and record your results.  A Beautiful Mind webpage
Extra credit if you can crack the code on the website-so far I haven't had time to crack it either so it might be worth quite a bit of extra credit.

Article on Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia on 20/20

A Brilliant Madness-website on John Nash
-Game Theory/Prisoner Dilemma/Catch 22

Some activities we may use

Game Theory/Nash equilibrium/prisoner dilemma explained in video

Game Theory explained in Dark Night/pirate story

Game Theory when buying a car

everyday life
Game Show Theory in "Golden Balls

A prisoner's dilemma explained on youtube

Soccer shootout
Christian Laetner game winner
Russell Wilson interception in superbowl

Prisoner Dilemma activity
Prisoner theory-game simulation class activity

Serendip online interactive prisoner's dilemma

Intelligence activities

I hope you will enjoy these activities and experiments.
Please summarize one story about the brain in 150 words.  I prefer you deal with mind, brain, intelligence or find an article dealing with autism and it's link to intelligence.  You will present your summary in class orally also.

  Complete the various intelligence tests located below.         Present a written summary of the following for each test:
1. Your score on the test.  Does this score have any meaning?
2. Your impression of the validity and reliability of the test. Is the score an accurate measurement of intelligence?  Use the psychological definition of validity and reliability found in your textbook.  Be specific.
After you have summarized each test, answer the following questions:
A.  What is intelligence?
B.  Which is more important:  emotional intelligence or intellectual intelligence?  Present reasons to support your answer.  Choose one side.
C.  Is intelligence learned or inherited?
D.  What did you learn about yourself after completing these tests?
Please note that these are informal tests - do not take them too seriously.  We are using these tests as a learning experience and to help guide you with discovering the meaning of intelligence.
  1. The Online IQ Test-note you must finish before you close the browser

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Nature vs. Nurture

So in psychology we are studying "Intelligent testing."  And one of the key debates for psychologists and sociologists both is nature vs. nurture.  Last year in Sociology we debated the issue of homosexuality and whether nature or nurture is the deciding factor.  This year in psychology we want to turn the nature vs. nurture debate and it's effect on intelligence.  Far below you will see a reminder of a blog we did in sociology.  Above are some videos that shed some light on the nature vs. nurture debate in psychology and the area of intelligence.  We will look at some articles highlighted in your online book and I will give you an opportunity to decide for yourself:  is intelligence influenced by nature or by nurture?

Homosexuality A Choice?



Summary: Sociologists almost always find strong evidence of nurture over nature in our studies, but there is one research area where the environment and socialization has little influence: sexual orientation. The cartoon at left highlights that while social scientists cannot find links between being gay and socialization factors like parenting styles, biological believers find strong evidence for their nature arguments that claim sexual orientation depends largely on genes, hormones, and birth order. The video also highlights how the research reflects focus almost exclusively on gay men and not lesbians.  The core message of this video is still very sociological because it outlines that since sexual orientation is neither an outcome of socialization or a lifestyle choice,  “conversion” therapy is not only ineffective, but can actually become a damaging socialization experience itself-which we have already discussed.

Another way to look at nature vs. nurture is through the Olympics.  Watch the following clip from the 2012 London Games.  (click here)