Friday, October 10, 2014


"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." Albert Einstein

The above quote is one of my favorite quotes I refer too when I think about homeland security both domestic and abroad (international).  I find it sort of symbolic or maybe even ironic that a guy who helped the United States build the atomic bomb (Manhattan Project) and is one of the greatest thinkers of all time would put a spin on the "axis of evil" and place the responsibility of stopping danger on the "allies of good."  So to what extent should we blame ourselves for the evil in the world?  In class we will want to focus on this question as well as examine the United States current Security Strategy.  We will want to explore other countries fight against terror and define some of the current terrorist threats we need to protect against (refer to ISIS or ISIL blog).  Lastly, we will analyze how  terrorism is related/linked to globalization and the effect each has on each other.

George Mason video
Thomas Friedman
You tube-a different spin on things
Terrorism Definition
Terrorism Watch and Warning
Nuclear Weapons stockpile

2013 National Security Strategy

ISIL-blog we did in class
Boko Haram
Khorasan-maybe a more dangerous group than ISIS-article

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