Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola Strategy

EBOLA Final Assessment

So in groups we worked to come up with a strategy to stop the continuation of the Ebola disease.  You were to complete an epidemiologic triangle finding the host, agent, and environment.  Your group was to then come up with strategic plan to stop the disease.  I would like to assess what you learned.  To do this I want you to tell me what you learned about the disease that you did not previously know.  Take me through the process you went through both individually and as a group.

Basically it is a review of what you personally learned from your own research and group members research and your thoughts on your group's strategy. (Let's say 200 words)

Part 2
In addition, we might as well add our final goal of connecting globalization and global health.  Diseases and health problems know no borders?  What is a problem in one person or country can easily be a problem somewhere else in the world due to the rise of globalization.  How will the future of our environment, of our expanding population, of our current technology impact the future of our health?  How are they connected?  What does the future hold? Brainstorm and analyze!  (Let's say 200 words also)

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