Friday, September 19, 2014

Human Trafficking

So one of the areas that I want to tie into migration, women, and globalization is human trafficking.  Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing epidemics in today's world.  I have been teaching about it for many years but I am always amazed that it has only been recently (the last 3 or 4 years) that a major worldwide effort has been made to combat this crisis.  So we are going to explore this topic in great depths this semester with the hope that not only can we create awareness to the problem but maybe become knowledgeable enough to help recognize problems in the future.  So to start with I would like to find out what you know about human trafficking.  Please take the online quizzes below and report your scores for each one.

Quiz 1
Quiz 2 

And here are some links to videos we will watch that will help you understand what human trafficking is about.

What is it?
What is it?  Part 2 (2020)
Facts on human trafficking
Teens for sale
How common is it?
25 facts
Then and now

Costs of a Slave 
Costs of a slave

End it movement 1
End it movement 2

Slavery Footprint

And now I would like to hear your comments and review on the topic of human trafficking and slavery.  Feel free to include your thoughts on the video/videos we watched in class.  (200 words minimum

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