Friday, September 12, 2014


So one area of globalization often overlooked, but nonetheless very important, is how has globalization impacted women around the world.   In the 1980's an idea was conceived that because of competition from cheap imports from other countries, employers would start hiring workers strictly for their skills-regardless of their gender.  That advancement in technologies would allow a man and woman to compete for the same high paying jobs such as a CEO or president of a company. That having a college degree would favor everyone but in particular it would favor women with a degree- mostly because they had been discriminated against within the labor force.  The thought that other countries had done well electing women leaders along with hiring women to high ranking jobs-why couldn't it happen in the U.S.  The thought that because globalization helps free the movement of people, money, goods and ideas across borders-this would help bridge the gap between men and women in the workforce-benefitting women economically, socially, and politically. That was the 1980s. So after thirty years, has it happened?  Has globalization had a positive impact on women?  How has it affected women in the United States/world?  These are things we want to look at and examine in class.

How does globalization affect women?

“Women do two thirds of the world’s work, receive ten percent of world’s income and own one percent of the means of production.” Impower

 I could argue that one affect globalization has on women is that it still leads to discrimination of women- in particular with unpaid or informal labor.  I think of the exploitation of women in low-wage sweatshops around the world.  Does globalization lead to the outsourcing of certain jobs in other countries-which then traditionally hire women or children to fulfill the making of a product. (think Nike, where your t-shirt was made, etc.)  If you click on the Impower link above, you can read how in India globalization has had some negative effects on women in the working force.

Can I argue that globalization has led to the exploitation of women thru human trafficking.  I say yes it has. This is one issue we will spend some time on.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing crisis the world faces today.

But it is not all bad.  Globalization has helped women in general by raising income levels throughout the economy,  benefitting both men and women. Things of course vary a lot from country to country and from city to village, but on the whole globalization has made people richer in the world. But there is still discrimination. Its great that women can make more money than they used to.  But at the same time men's earning power has increased also.  So the gender parity still might not be there.

In conclusion, I think globalization has had a positive affect on women.  Yes it has intensified certain problems, and has exploited women in some circumstances-but who says this would not have occurred anyway.  The one thing globalization has definitely done is it has brought attention to human rights.  And I think that there is an improved effort by the United States and other countries to improve women rights in countries where women are suppressed.  Globalization is inevitable, but a lot of positives are attainable through globalization and by recognizing struggles that women face around the world, changes can be made.

I would like to know your thoughts on how globalization affects women. I would like you to find one source (make sure its a reputable source)  that talks about the effects of globalization on women.  Include a link to the source and a summary of the source and how it relates to the topic of women and migration/globalization.   Negatives/Positives?  United States?  South Dakota?  (200 words minimum plus link to source included in summary)

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