Thursday, January 22, 2015

Classical Conditioning Assignment

Classical conditioning is a form of learning in which the subject develops a particular response to a stimulus that would otherwise be nuetral, without being paired with a stimulus that is not neutral and elicits an automatic response. In other words, the subject generates a response that wouldn't naturally occur as a result of associating a neutral stimulus with a nonneutral stimulus.

Classical conditioning occurs daily in our lives but we don't think about it. Examples of this classical conditioning concept can be found throughout our lives in many different ways.

 One of the most obvious real world examples of classical conditioning is it's use in the media. Here is how: corona_ad_example.jpg
Unconditioned stimulus: Paradise or the pretty woman
Conditioned Stimulus: Corona
Unconditioned Response: Happiness or excitement to paradise or the pretty woman
Conditioned response: Happiness or excitement  to Corona

Assignment:  Your assignment is to find an example of classical conditioning in your everyday life.
You should find a visual aid to represent it and label the US, CS, UR CR as done in the example above.

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