Wednesday, January 28, 2015

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Classical Conditioning Assignment

Classical conditioning is a form of learning in which the subject develops a particular response to a stimulus that would otherwise be nuetral, without being paired with a stimulus that is not neutral and elicits an automatic response. In other words, the subject generates a response that wouldn't naturally occur as a result of associating a neutral stimulus with a nonneutral stimulus.

Classical conditioning occurs daily in our lives but we don't think about it. Examples of this classical conditioning concept can be found throughout our lives in many different ways.

 One of the most obvious real world examples of classical conditioning is it's use in the media. Here is how: corona_ad_example.jpg
Unconditioned stimulus: Paradise or the pretty woman
Conditioned Stimulus: Corona
Unconditioned Response: Happiness or excitement to paradise or the pretty woman
Conditioned response: Happiness or excitement  to Corona

Assignment:  Your assignment is to find an example of classical conditioning in your everyday life.
You should find a visual aid to represent it and label the US, CS, UR CR as done in the example above.

Methods of Learning: Classical, Operant, Modeling

There are three ways psychologists categorize the way we learn.  They are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and through shaping or what we will call modeling.  Below are some clips that describe some of these.

Little Albert Experiment by John Watson
 Pavlov's Bar
Classical Conditioning my father
Operant conditioning in the Big Bang Theory

                                                              Shaping through rewards

                                                                              The Skinner Box
Positive and negative reinforcement

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ch 2 learning Links and activities

Learning/Teaching Journal writing

Recall a situation in which you taught another person a skill or how to do a task.  Write a brief account about it.  Make sure to include a description of the strategy you used for teaching this person and any steps/organization you needed to accomplish the teaching of the skill/task.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Scientific Analysis Assignment

Use this link for the assignment:

Use the Mind and Brain tab to find articles

Assignment:  Read four articles and answer the following set of questions for each article.

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?


2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?


3- Was there a control group?


4- How were the subjects chosen?


5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?


6- How did the subjects react?


7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

Psychology Chapter 1 experiments


Use the following link above for the online activities before.

QUIPS & QUOTES (select Quips & Quotes)

Define the different perspectives utilized by psychologists.


Using a teenager as your subject, give an example of each perspective.



RATE THE CELEBRITIES (select Rate the Celebrities)

Define correlation coefficient. What happens to variables in a positive correlation coefficient. Negative coefficient?


How strong was the correlation coefficient between attractiveness and success? Why do the results say about you


The Body Beautiful

How did your results compare to those of the study of undergraduate?


What cultural factors might be contributing to the tendency of women to show more dissatisfaction with their physiques than men?


Why do you think both men and women misjudge the opposite sex with respect to preferred body types?




What was your score?    ____/10

List the words you got.correct-


What Provokes you?-this is 61 questions and will take awhile.

Print off final answer page and attach.


Find Eliza the online therapist-you will have to google Eliza online therapist to find a link.  Talk to Eliza, the Rogerian therapist,  and write down in 100 words your thoughts about this.  Did you know this was actually a computer based model used in the 1950’s and 1960’s.