Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Middle Eastern Terrorism

Middle Eastern terrorism terms




















Islamism or Islamic Fundamentalism


Koran or Quaran-







A radical environmental group burns a vacant hotel that was recently legally built in a wilderness area.

Country X, during a time of war, accidentally kills civilians while conducting bombing raids in Country Z.

Country X hires an organized crime group in Country Z to assassinate civilian leaders of a group opposing the international policies of Country X.


A national separatist group in Country X blows up a railroad station in Country Z to discourage that government from supporting policies of the government in Country X.


Try to find an example involving the U.S. where a similar event took place for the last 3 examples above. 

Example for # 1:






Example for #2:




Example for #3:

1.  Osama Bin Laden had called Americans “the worst _______ in the world today and the worst __________...”

2.  Al-Qaeda is different from other terrorist groups in that they:


3.  What is Islamic fundamentalism?


4.  Fundamentalists call for a return to “pure” Islam as a practice by the Prophet _________________.

5.  They believe they have been invaded by _________________ _____________ and ________________________.

6.  They feel women should:

            Examples: list 3




7.  The Islamic terrorists see themselves as:

8.  Terrorist tactics run against the basic teachings of Islam.  Why?


9.  What was the six day war?


            What role did the United States play?


10.  What and who was the PLO?


11.  Name two terrorist events the PLO was involved in.


12.  Is the PLO still active in trying to destroy Israel?


13.  Who is Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab?


14.  Wahhabism is promoted in the Saudi Arabia educational system.  Tell me about their textbooks and curriculum.


15.  Explain how the United States was involved in the Iranian Revolution.




16.  Explain how the United States was involved in the Soviet War in Afghanistan.



17.  How did this lead to Bin Laden’s uprising.


18.  Who is the Taliban?


19.  Osama Bin Laden declared that since the Gulf War against Iraq in 1991 the United States had:


20.  What is a fatwa?


21.  What was bin Laden’s decree?


22.  Islamic fundamentalism attracts what type of people?

Islamic Fundamentalism: What Should We Do About It?

There is a connection between certain kinds of Islamic fundamentalism and Islamist terrorism. What should we do about this?

  1. Below are listed some policies that the United States might adopt to try to counter Islamist terrorism. Form small groups to discuss these policies.
  2. Each group should choose what it considers to be the most important policy for the United States to adopt now. Groups may develop their own policy choice if they wish.
  3. Each group should then defend its policy choice before the rest of the class.

Proposed Policies

  1. Remove all American military forces from Saudi Arabia and/or Iraq.
  2. Remain in Iraq to develop democracy as a model for other Muslim countries.
  3. Pressure Muslim countries to close religious schools that preach hatred.
  4. Provide foreign aid to Muslim countries in order to reduce unemployment and poverty.
  5. Give foreign aid to countries that curb Islamists.
  6. Work to achieve security and justice for Israel and Palestine.
  7. Capture, try, and (if convicted) execute Osama bin Laden.  So we killed him.  Analyze if this policy worked.
  8. Lessen our dependence on Mideast oil.
  9. Develop your own policy.


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