Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who am I

So we are going to do a "Who am I" personality project.  Take the following tests below and follow the instructions for the report.  Print your results and include a cover page.  Do the test included on this blog in addition to the other ones.  #6 and #10 wont work so substitute the 2 below

The Big Five Personality test-

Jung typology test-
      and find your celebrity ideology here:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sensation and Perception Experiments

Go to the following links and do the following.  Answer any questions and write a brief description of what the experiment is trying to teach you.

you do not have to do the quiz

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Game Theory Reflection blog

So what started out as "Watching a Beautiful Mind" in relation to John Nash and our psychology unit on Intelligence has turned into one of the more interesting units I have put together this year.  My experience with Game Theory, Prisoner Dilemma, Nash equilibrium, and John Nash himself had been very limited.  Realizing just how often and important the above play in our current lives politically, socially, economically, and historically has gave me a whole new perspective that I hadn't considered before.  I am interested to learn if you can apply the above theories to your lives and the world around you.  I am hoping you learned and now can consider how history and your daily life has been and will continue to be shaped by what we have learned in the last few weeks.  It would be great if at sometime in your life you can use the information and lessons learned to help you out in your quest for greatness-whatever the definition of that is.  On a separate blog answer/write the following:

Please describe the following in your own words in two sentences.(look them up if you don't know)

Nash equilibrium-

Game theory-

Prisoner dilemma-

Go to the following link Serendip online interactive prisoner's dilemma

Describe your experience and thoughts after you have played the game a few times.(50 words)

Read the following blog on Game Theory and answer the questions below:

Give an example of Game Theory/prisoner dilemma:

In history:

In Government:

In economics:

related to sociology:

related to psychology:

In your everyday life:

Tell me your thoughts on the oil pricing activity and the other group activities we did in class. 

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being great rate the activities we have done in class with the unit.  What are some things that can be done to improve the overall unit?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HEX: A Beautiful Mind Game

So we have recently watched "A Beautiful Mind."  In the movie John Nash is challenged to a board game called HEX.  In real life he will reinvent the game and people will refer to it sometimes as "Nash."  After somewhat studying the game I have decided as a class we will create our own "HEX" game boards and learn how to play this game.  Maybe we will even have a tournament.

Deleted scene from the movie

The following website shows how to create a board game.

Or even cooler would be to create an 11x11 game out of pvc pipe as shown in the you tube video below:  go to about minute 2:40

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rorschach Inkblot test

So we have been studying Intelligence and Intelligence testing recently in Psychology.  I thought it would be fun to end the unit with another test.  It is called the Rorschach Inkblot test.  We will take a look at the plates that are used with the test.  We will then self diagnose ourselves using the criteria on the corresponding blog.  After you self evaluate your answers you will write a reflection blog on test and what you learned about the history of the test.  Is it valid or invalid and how should the results be used.  I think 200 words is enough to do this in.  You can even compare it to Wikipedia.

Also the one time I will use Wikipedia-you can scroll down and see some common answers